Lies and Deception are the enemy of the Truth. They are put forward into the minds and hearts of the people of Earth by those who rage against what is. They are spoken, propagated and acted upon by those with a vested interest in keeping the understanding of the Truth from reaching the Consciousness of each individual.
Lies and deception are insidious, for once they have been believed and accepted by well-meaning individuals, these individuals, in their ignorance, become agents for the spread of these falsehoods. This is how lies and propaganda are spread from generation to generation. A parent is indoctrinated into the lie, and then the parent indoctrinates their children, who in turn indoctrinate their children, and so on, down through the generations.
Speaking about the most effective way to propagate the spread of lies and disinformation to as many people as possible, Adolf Hitler, the Führer of the Nazi Third Reich, stated that one should "make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it." This statement clearly shows that the real goal of those who are bent on the attainment of totalitarian power is to actually control the minds and belief systems of those upon whom they impose their rule.

If there is anyone who ever live who knew ever more about how to spread lies and propaganda than Adolf Hitler, it would be Paul Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda of the Nazi Party during the Third Reich. Goebbels ordered countless book burnings while he was in power in an attempt to crush even the discovery of any dissenting ideas. Almost every form of communication possible in Germany during the Nazi regime came under the direct control of this mentally ill being. Goebbels made a profound statement regarding lying, an activity at which he quite obviously excelled. He claimed that "the bigger the lie, the more it will be believed."
This statement touches upon a very important factor to consider that Geobbels well understood. Most people are very prone to a condition that is the equivalent to a state of deep psychological denial. No matter how insane or destructive a lie that they have accepted may be, if the lie is deeply enough embedded within a belief system, people will be loathe to challenge it, for doing so would require them to step out of a rigidly-defined comfort zone and begin to challenge their belief systems themselves. Sadly, relatively few people ever venture outside of this comfort zone and make these challenges to established beliefs in the name of the discovery of Truth.
One could spread a lifetime listing and analyzing all the lies that have been disseminated by systems of institutionalized thought throughout the world. But there is one lie that is bigger and more insidious than all other lies that have ever been told. This is the lie that contends that there is no Truth, or that even if there is, that it could never become known or comprehended by human beings. This is The Biggest Lie that has ever been spoken, written, bought or sold by anyone. If one believes this lie, one's spiritual journey comes to a halt before it has a chance to begin. Many, many people throughout our world are stuck at this point in their evolutionary development because they have bought this poisonous lie, hook, line and sinker.
The Truth is knowable. You can know it. It it weren't, nothing would have ever existed, for the realization of Truth is the very purpose of existence itself. This is not a belief. This is simply what is. Truth can never be destroyed. The Biggest Lie, while it may be capable of dissuading some people from embarking upon a discovery of the Truth, can never, and will never, destroy the Truth itself.
When we begin to challenge our own established belief systems, the discovery of Truth emerges into our own lives and we begin to experience its power. Overcoming of The Biggest Lie is the only stage in this process for which faith is required . One must first have faith in the fact that we are capable of discovering the Truth. From that point forward, faith and belief become no longer necessary, only the Will to go forward and discover the Truth of that which is.